Canal Grande

At the foot of the Ponte Rialto stands the portico of the old Storehouse of the German merchants, once rich with paintings by Titian. Across the water, the Palace of the Camerlenghi has housed the highest and lowest of the Venetians, the Lords of the Exchequer and prisoners of the State. The reflection of the Ca d'Oro gleams pale on the dark water. Once it was decorated with gleaming gold. Ravaged by time, it lingers, a beautiful spectre of the Venice that is lost forever. In the Palazzo Soranza the marble floors were once covered with fine crimson cloth like seas of blood, and the Marcello Palace was home to a malicious Englishman possessed of the evil eye. In the Renaissance palazzo Loredan-Vendramin the heiress Marina Calergi hid her sons during their supposed banishment from the city. They abducted and murdered a nobleman, and she was forced to demolish part of the house and erect a Column of Infamy. Centuries later, here Wagner composed, and here he met his death.

Cyan Gondola is here.
