You find yourself in a black and white space of constantly shifting zeros and ones. The effect is disorienting; but in the flux of the chaos you see flashing LED markers that read:
Charybdis is here.
DOME to oOoO The Aquatic Dome OoOo
GOPHER to Gopherspace
THEATER to CRL Theater
LOCKER to Davey Jones Locker
TV to BayMOO-TV Studio
ASCII to Ascii atelier
FRENGLISH to Frenglish -- Chouette!
HOMONYMS to House of Homonyms
IMPROV to Improv (Listening)
CAFE to CoffeeHaus [SMOKEY]
MOOvie to BayMOOvie Big Screens: Outside
FUNDAO to Portugal: Fundao
GAME to The Game Room
south to -Word St. North-
LOUNGE to Virtual Ham Central
ZOO to BayMOO Zoo
COMMONS to Netspace Commons Hub