Welcome to Radio Free BayMOO -- an eclectic mix of the music BayMOOers want to hear. The program director and #1 dj, bettybb, does take requests . . . but you must ask nicely. Type <read list> for more information. Don't worry, W-M-O-O has a large music library and bettybb will play almost anything. If bettybb is not here, leave your request on the request list and don't forget your name! Right now, Randy Travis' 'Forever and Ever, Amen' is playing (as per Trainmaster's request). Marlowe's request is up next. There is a large leather sofa against the wall between the speakers. Thanks for listening to W-M-O-O and tell all of your friends . . . . but please leave some coffee for bettybb! She can't get through the day without it!

Request List is here.
