The Redwood Forest

You enter the clearing and are surprised to find a small campfire. Old fallen logs are placed loosely around it, making for a comfortable place to sit. You realize that you are in the midst of a forest of tall, massive redwoods, their age and beauty unsurpassed by anything else you might see. A simple lean-to is set up near one of the trees, providing shelter. Occasionally, you hear the lonely cry of a forestcreature. The sound sends shivers up and down your back, but the general feeling of the place is one of peace and contentment. A pile of firewood is stacked up by the lean-to and an axe is next to it.

Please join us in remembering Odette. <look stone> and <look journal>. This is one of Odette's rooms that we have decided to use for her memorial. Please <sit> as you remember her.

A Journal for Odette, Stone Marker, A candle for Odette, Wooden Disk, A year, and a_small_crystal are here.
