Land of Happiness

A home that is full of life and happiness. It is a place where the walls are bright and colorfull. You see lots of little kids, teenagers, and people of all ages together and having lots of fun. Here, age does not matter at all. Everyone is accepted for who they are on the inside. This appears to be a place where everyone is happy and having lots of fun. You see a very colorful and comfortable looking blanket. This blanket is very big and allows for many people to sit on it and talk and have fun. To sit on the wonderful soft blanket, type <sit blanket> Exits: South (S) to Land of No Hurt ........Down (D) to House of Sunshine ........Out to West Crossroads Rain falls from the overcast sky. You hear the sound of drops hitting leaves.

KatieL (I am SO cute...or so I was told!) is here. Exits: