**chimaera's TAVERNA** [Public]

A dark, smoky tavern on the road to nowhere. Doc stands behind the bar, meaty arms folded, looking formidable and stolid. There is a large sign on the wall over her head, and graffiti scrawled on the wall to her right. Along the other walls are dark, dingy naugahyde booths, looking like small caves, with flickering candles in them on the tables. At the bar, there are shoddy barstools with cracked red vinyl seats; stuffing protrudes from the cracks. The floor is bare blotched wood, covered in gobs of sawdust. Here and there it's noticeably soft, giving slightly under your step. Wow, that's disconcerting as fuck! The air smells of stale beer, cigs, and perspiration, just as an old bar should. But beneath the old tavern smell, there is an undercurrent of sandalwood incense. Type: LIST-DRINKS DOC for a list of the drinks Doc knows... and ORDER <drinkname> FROM DOC to order a drink from her. Please have a seat, and soak in the ambiance of the seediest dive in BayMOO!

Doc (LEZ BE FRIENDZ) is here.

chimaera (snoozing away) is here. Exits: