
Corvus argenta: Often mistaken for its close cousin, Corvus caffeine-addicta, the silverCrow stands approx. 5'3 when not seated at its favorite perch in front of a computer monitor. It has intensely black feathers with a lustrous, silvery sheen. The female of the species (represented here) is known for its often smart-alecky attitude and splendiferous feathering. One of a rarely-seen species, it often hides away with its keyboard, but can be called forth by the sound of a diet Dr. Pepper can opening or by popping popcorn in a microwave. When in public, the silverCrow sheds most of its inhibitions and says what it thinks (which may account for its status as an endangered species). Recommended approaches: bearing chocolate or vegetarian pizza as an offering (though caffeine is ALWAYS a good choice as well)
She is sleeping.


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