
BigJoe's (c) Generic Candle How can I create my own candle? - Type @create #5831 called Ok, now I have a candle of my own. How do I get it to work? - First drop the candle. Then type INSTALL IN HERE. You'll be prompted for the room's description in case the candle's out. Type the description you want. To finish and store the description, enter a single . and press return. Next you'll be asked if you want to keep the room's currrent description in case the candle's burning. You can enter Y or N. If you choose N, you'll be prompted for the new description. Same procedure applies as for the dark room description. At last you're asked to the number of seconds the candle should burn. Enter a number. (allowed values are between 1 and 3600 seconds) After getting the success-message type @chmod here.description +w. This is required for the candle to work. Now you're done. Ok, now that I have installed the candle, how do I use it? - Nothing easier than this. Type LIGHT to light it. Type PUTOUT to put it out. If your candle's burnt down, you have to REPLACE before you can LIGHT it. Well, now I have played with my candle, got bored with it and whant to get rid of it. How can I do this? - Type DEINSTALL FROM HERE. You'll be asked if you want to reinstall your room's previous description. Answer Y if you want the old description back.