The Mask Shop

All around you are masks of every size and type and color you could ever imagine. They hang from silver pegs on the wall and lay across the counter at the back of the long room. Under the glass surface of the counter, you can see the irridescent gleam of more masks, some of them seeming to almost be made out of air, or fire itself.... Masks of fantastical creatures, mythical characters, either full face or half, the gems pasted on them gleam floridly in the dim light from the one window next to the door. Hanging in crevaces in the wall are brightly decorated dresses and costumes, the gems and sequines on them glimmering brightly, reflecting tiny circles of color all over the room. The front window is shrouded in thin, dark gauze that filters the light, the pale masks of beggers and kings hanging listlessly from the delicate cloth. At the rear of the shop, surrounded by hundreds of masks, is The Maskmaker, her grey eyes studying you quietly and you examine her work.

Maskmaker is here.