The Sun Porch

The sun porch is lined with windows that look out on the deepest part of the forest. Fallen pines were cut to build the walls and a screen door leads out of the north wall to a forest path. Each and every window sill has growing plants resting on it, well watered and happy. A stereo plays quiet music in the corner. Hanging baskets of begonias and caladium candidums rock gently in the warm breeze. You may want to try to <smell begonias or smell candidums>.. they are 'sniffer friendly'. They won't make you sneeze at all. Oh.. try <look begonias and look candidums> too. A circular outdoor table has a rose-design tablecloth on it. A tall, graceful candle stands in the center. There are two comfy chairs here, one red and one green. There is a rose tablecloth covering the table. A cot has been set up in the corner of the room close to an open window. It is much cooler here in hot weather. The darkness of night surrounds you. The heat makes it seem that the sun is out, not the moon.
