Mendocino National Forest

Rust colored pine needles cover the floor of this forest and are soft enough to lay down and sleep on them. The sweet scent of pine is in the air all about you, carried on the back of the crisp north wind. High above you, the tall pines whisper in the breeze and share stories of ancient times and better days. During the day, rays of light filter through the canopy and lovingly touch the undergrowth below. A gnarled branch juts across the trail and two sets of brilliant eyes peer out at you from behind a tall tree. An old, wooden crate looks as if it has been here for a very long time and might be a good place to sit and soak in the smells, sights, and sounds of the forest. A swing has been hung from two consenting trees for those who would stay and rest a bit.

The sun is sinking into the west. The sky is streaked with reds and pinks, creating a sense of a wonderful day coming!

MNF Map is here.
